Interweave Member

Ignited Phoenix Project





Ignited Phoenix Project empowers community members from the  Duwamish Valley  (youth and adults) to learn  about  the Environmental-health threats impacting them in their neighborhoods


Ignited Phoenix is a community driven Environmental and Social Justice program based in the Duwamish Valley. Our program workshops featured Theatre exercises inspired by Theatre of the Oppressed (TO). TO is a form of theatre which encompasses social and political activism, conflict resolution, community building and more. As community leaders, we acknowledge that it is necessary for us to continue raising awareness for surrounding issues that affect our livelihood.


Ignited Phoenix aims to use Theatre exercises (games, acting out scenarios, etc) as a method of storytelling to advocate for change, by documenting the stories of those most affected by injustice, and sharing it in mass. In TO, you not only learn about others and their trauma, you also learn to listen to the stories that your body tells. BIPOC folks have been oppressed for far too long. It’s time we give ourselves the opportunity to look inward and heal from generational trauma and hurt that we carry within us and are not always aware of.


We acknowledge that change will not happen from one day to another, but we do hope that our participants are able to finish the program feeling different than when they first came in as well as learning something new. Small changes are still a win. 




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