Fiscal Sponsorship.


One of the main ways in which S2 promotes sustainability is by offering fiscal sponsorship to emerging community projects who share our mission to deliver environmental, economic and community benefits, promote equity, and build resilience in Seattle.






Fiscal sponsorship provides a way for a project or organization to attract donors when it is not yet recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code 501(c)(3). Instead, a project or organization may use S2’s tax-exempt status to fundraise. S2 maintains authority over those funds and works closely with the sponsored organization to provide sound accounting, reporting, and administration of raised funds. 

Note: S2’s Fiscal Sponsorship program is for projects that are more self-sufficient, that would like to collaborate with S2 for nonprofit administrative services. Projects or organizations that need more hands-on mentorship, development, or support are better suited to our Interweave program, which is currently at capacity. You may add your name to an Interweave Interest List/Wait List Here


Is S2 Fiscal Sponsorship right for you? 

  • You have a clear project goal that is working towards environmental, economic, and community benefits, promoting equity, and building resilience in Seattle 
  • You have a solid team behind you to help make this project a success! 
  • You have a fundraising goal of at least $20k 
  • You have some people, organizations, or businesses already interested in supporting your project


Learn More


If all of these describe you and you’d like to learn more about partnering with S2 for Fiscal Sponsorship on your project, please submit an inquiry!

   Apply for Fiscal Sponsorship 


If fiscal sponsorship with S2 doesn’t feel like an exact fit, don’t worry! There are many organizations offering fiscal sponsorship in the Seattle area. We recommend two of our friends: