
Evident is a participatory research program that assembles data from a dynamic, representative, and intentional cross-section of community members throughout Seattle.

Sustainable Seattle believes that sustainability is community-owned and community events are utilized to collect sustainability data in meaningful collaboration with community members. Evident’s research and data are intentionally made accessible to a wide range of audiences through culturally-centered research reports and artistic media.

The Evident program is highly participatory and collaborative, drawing on existing data sets and community researchers; community place-based; and interpreted and shared with the community in meaningful ways. 

We share prompts for community input on our social channels.
Provide your input on
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, andLinkedIn
Or, send us a voice memo by clicking the Soundbyte button
in the lower right corner of the screen. 







Research Values.

  • Intersectionality: We take a holistic approach toward the overlap of social factors such as race, income, gender, sexual orientation, housing status, etc. 
  • Reciprocity: We give back to the community through delivering research findings to participants, community dialogue, facilitation, and meeting material needs. 
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Centering and honoring TEK drives decision-making, methodology, and the ways we gather and engage with our community. 

Participatory Research at Play.

Participatory research is incorporated into virtually every program that we run. You might find yourself responding to a prompt on social media, plugging your thoughts into a software program during a Think Tank, or sharing your experiences during a meet-up. 

Each fall, we gather community for an overall assessment of sustainability priorities for the region, which we then synthesize into four primary themes. These inform the research priorities, themes, and topics of the next year. 

All this input is organized into Sound Listening, which you can learn more about here.









Send S2 a voice message