Tag: Racial Justice

Anti-Racism & Environmental Justice Resources
Sustainable Seattle stands in solidarity with the Black community and pledges to call out and work to dismantle our inherently racist and oppressive systems until there is true justice and equity for all. We won’t solve climate change without properly addressing social justice. Climate justice is racial justice. Here is a growing list of resources to learn more about the intrinsic link between anti-racism work and environmental justice:
Black Environmentalists Talk About Climate and Anti-Racism by Somini Sengupta
Environmental Justice & Environmental Racism definitions by Green Action
Failed Promises: Evaluating the Federal Government’s Response to Environmental Justice
Our People, Our Planet, Our Power by Got Green and Puget Sound Sage
Racism is Killing the Planet by Hop Hopkins
The Least Convenient Truth Part 1 – Climate Change and White Supremacy by Bani Amor
White supremacy produces disproportionate environmental pollution by Jibril Kyser